Website Redesign for a private school chain


Unified Web Presence for Champagnat Schools

As part of Marista Brasil, the Champagnat School Chain currently operates four teaching units. This project involved applying UX design principles to structure the main website, alongside the institutional websites and enrollment landing pages for each individual unit.


UI/UX Designer


Champagnat Schools


User Interface • User flow • Web design • Responsive Design

Champagnat Schools Highlight

A new sitemap

We've built a new structure with dedicated pages for all the information the user needed, making it easier to navigate. Currently, everything is on a single page. However, to make it more user friendly we added specific pages for different topics. This new website structure also became the foundation for individual websites for each Champagnat school unit, allowing them to showcase their unique features in a customized way.


User Experience Principles

To create a more user-centric and impactful solution, we leveraged several well-established design principles. This included harnessing the Aesthetic-Usability Effect by prioritizing a clean and visually appealing interface, which research suggests users perceive as easier to use. We also applied Jakob's Law, ensuring consistency with familiar design patterns to minimize user cognitive load. Additionally, we incorporated Hick's Law by streamlining the user journey and presenting only the most essential options at any given time, reducing decision fatigue. Finally, we embraced the spirit of Occam's Razor, favoring simplicity and clarity over overly complex solutions, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.

Page Layouts

Layouts Layouts Layouts Layouts Layouts

If you're interested in starting a project together, drop me a line.

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