Doggo simplifies pet nutrition for busy owners.

Many dry dog foods lack organic ingredients, and while home-cooked meals offer a healthier option, they're often time-consuming and require specific nutritional knowledge to ensure balance. Recognizing this challenge for busy pet parents, I conducted user research to develop a product offering healthy, vet-developed, and perfectly balanced dog food.


UI/UX Designer


Doggo Natural Dog Food


User research • Wireframing • Prototyping • User Interface • Branding

Doggo Highlight

Understanding the user

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I'm designing for and their real needs. A primary user group identified through research was people with busy schedules but concerned about providing a balanced meal for their pets. After analyzing the data I organized the information to create two types of personas:

Problem statement: Alberto is a single dad who needs a ready-to-serve organic diet for his dog because he doesn't have time to cook.

Doggo Persona Statement

Problem statement: Phoebe is a work from home Designer who needs to adapt her dog's diet plan because it had health issues in the past.

Doggo Persona Statement Doggo Persona Statement

Competitive Audit

Through a competitive audit, I gathered valuable knowledge and insights to strategically position the Doggo app in the market. This crucial step helped me understand the competitive landscape and learn from both direct and indirect competitors. The audit revealed features users are accustomed to, along with common pain points and complaints I could address and potentially solve with the Doggo app.

Doggo competitive audit

Strategy and Sitemap

Based on user data and research, I identified two key features for the app addressing user needs:

  • Meal Plans: A user-friendly interview gathers data on each dog's health and biotype, generating tailored meal plans.
  • Custum Meal Builder: Empowering users to create organic meals tailored to their dog's needs.
  • Ingredient Transparency: Users gain access to dry food with clearly sourced ingredients, promoting informed purchase decisions.

After making this informed decisions I built a sitemap to prioritize features and content while  providing a bird's-eye view of the app's overall structure, making it easier to understand how different screens and functions relate to each other. 

Doggo sitemap

Lo-fi wireframes

Doggo wireframes Doggo wireframes

Branding and Design System

Developing a strong visual identity for the Doggo brand became the next main step. The app needed to convey a friendly, approachable nature while appearing modern and vibrant. After brainstorming various concepts, I solidified a logo, typography scheme, color palette, and illustration guidelines that embodied these desired qualities.

Doggo wireframes

Final Product

doggo app doggo app
doggo app doggo app
doggo app doggo app

If you're interested in starting a project together, drop me a line.

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