Mobile App for Football Club Athletico Paranaense


Football Club Athletico Paranaense is a traditional football team in Brazil and has won 27 titles.

In commemoration of its centenary founding anniversary, the Marketing division aimed to unveil a groundbreaking app. The primary objective was to craft an immersive onboarding experience, allowing users to step into the shoes of a new team recruit. The app was designed to encompass essential features such as digital card check-in for stadium access, a ticket purchase section, a snack bar, a game schedule, a video network for watching past matches, and updates on team-related news.


UI/UX Designer


Clube Athletico Paranaense


User Interface • Flowchart • Onboarding • App Icon • Prototyping • Testing


Storyboards, App navigation and User Flow

The client aimed to provide their users with an innovative onboarding experience. The primary concept involved employing a first-person perspective video to immerse the user in the sensation of joining the team as a new athlete. I played a pivotal role in this initiative by conceptualizing storyboards for the journey and initiating the user flow and navigation of the app.

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Lo-fi Wireframes

The first version of lo-fi wireframes allowed me to run early usability tests and discover the priority revisions that need to be implemented ASAP. For instance, at first we thought of making the app entirely in horizontal view to simulate a game. However, after analyzing more deeply the navigation and usability we decided to go with a vertical version. That decreased the number of iterations to the later versions with all effort being put into creating the hi-fi interface.


Design System and Components

After finalizing the app's structural framework with the completion of wireframes, the next phase involved initiating the visual conception process. Leveraging the team's established branding served as our initial inspiration, yet we opted for distinct fonts to infuse a contemporary touch into the design. To ensure coherence and relevance, we convened with the client, aligning expectations and delving into data they provided on their fanbase's behavior and priorities. Following this insightful meeting, I delved into crafting the Design System, a crucial step towards seamlessly implementing it into the overall layout.


App Screens and Prototype

Let's dive into the exciting phase of app design! We approached this with two straightforward steps. First off, we enhanced the onboarding experience by seamlessly blending app screens with engaging first-person videos, giving users a taste of life as a team athlete. Following that, we simplified the sign-up process by breaking it down into manageable steps, aiming for a feel similar to signing a contract to join the team.

Now, onto the second part – shaping the user interface. We created a user-friendly home screen with speedy shortcuts to essentials like the membership card for stadium access, team news, game schedules, and a convenient check-in area. Our lineup also includes screens like Furacao TV for reliving past matches and cool videos, an online store stocked with official team gear, a dedicated space for our valued members, and much more. We wanted the app to stand out and feel fresh, not sticking to traditional concepts. Our goal was to give it a unique and modern vibe that users would find exciting!

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Usability Testing - Dummy Launch

After fine-tuning the initial version of the user interface, the Club's board members threw an exclusive event. Over 50 invited members got a sneak peek at the app, sharing their thoughts and suggestions. While most of the feedback was positive, we gathered valuable insights that we carefully analyzed. These insights shaped the final version of the app, which was officially launched in October 2023. The response was fantastic, with over 5,000 downloads in the first few days!


User Reviews

The football club's members were thrilled with the app launch, providing overwhelmingly positive feedback. This positive response indicates the overall success of the process.


If you're interested in starting a project together, drop me a line.

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